Monthly Archives: February 2011

A Day

At 12 a.m. the silence screams,
deafening my senses, calming my agitation.
My meditation culminates in slumber.

At 6 a.m. the roar of traffic breaks through
my sleepy reverie, calling me to rise from the
warm depths of my bed. I greet the world with blurry vision.

At 10 am the buzz of computers and coworkers
vibrates through my being. My internal engine revs,
my body hums with activity.

At 1:00 p.m. my stomach growls its frustration,
demanding nourishment and attention.
Food and a hot drink convert the growls to a purr.

At 3:00 p.m. my muscles sing with anticipation.
I reward the symphony with bikes, and hikes, and weights.
I challenge the smallest muscle to hit the highest notes of activity.

At 5:00 p.m. thoughts and ideas clatter across my brain,
the sound of neurons firing compete with the voices of friends and strangers
as I sit in a pub and sip a brew.

At 8:00 p.m. my mind and body chirp in harmony,
excited about the day and planning the next.
Adrenaline sloshes through my system.

At 10:00 p.m. the chorus of activity has yet to leave me.
My thoughts shout across my fingers as they clip clop across the keyboard.
I type to still the agitation that jangles my nerves.

At 12 a.m. the silence screams,
deafening my senses, calming my agitation.
My meditation culminates in slumber.

The Perfect Poet Award 4 Poets Rally Week 38

Thanks to Jingle, Leo, and all who voted for me. I am once again proud to post the Perfect Poet Award from Jingle’s Poetry Rally. Below is my acceptance haiku.

For next week’s rally I nominate dragonkatet


A feather blocks light.
The worm writhes in agony.
A bird chirps content.

©2010 frayedges and

Photo courtesy of morguefiles

New Blog, Check it out!

Hello my WordPress friends. I just started a new blog, Coffee Conversation, and Personal Hell,, to chronicle unsuccessful forays into the dating world. I am looking for stories to post.

If you’d like to share your mishaps, misadventures, nightmares, pet peeves, rants and raves, and humorous trysts gone wrong, send me an email at I’ll take your story and post it, using whatever name you’d like, or none at all.

Note: I reserve the right to edit pieces, but don’t worry, your story will be kept intact.